David and his wife, Linda, kindly held a dinner at the Penrose Kitchen in Shortlanesend, just outside Truro, in aid of the Sunrise Appeal and raised a very welcome £2,731 for The Appeal.
David said ” We had a full house and managed to persuade some of the medics who have a Jazz band to perform for guests on arrival. This created a great atmosphere which continued through the night and with good food and some magical entertainment everyone had a great night”
David and Linda are pictured above presenting a cheque to Tony Hill (Chairman) and Toby Talbot, one of our oncology consultants at The Sunrise Centre, and below with Ben & Sam, the owners of Penrose Kitchen, who provided the meal at a special price as well as lunch for 2 as a raffle prize.
Thank you to David & Linda for hosting the event and to Ben & Sam for their generosity in helping make the evening a great success.